I remember when I first met one of my mentors, that was one of the first things he said to me. To be honest I don’t think I really even noticed at first he wasn’t saying, “Ready, Aim, shoot.” We are all conditioned to take way too much time working out the details, making sure it’s perfect, calculating and worrying about the “what if’s”, being afraid, and procrastinating. Do yourself a favour and listen to the words that I’m passing on from my mentor.
“Ready, Shoot, Aim”

Don't worry about the bullseye, Ready, Shoot, Aim!
Simply put that e-book you’ve been writing but haven’t shared with anyone, share it, today, right now, don’t even finish this post go email it to your list.
If you’ve been thinking about starting a bootcamp, group personal training sessions, a new class, lecture, whatever, do it. Stop reading right now and go book time in your schedule to work out the basic frame work and then do it. If you wait to solve every problem someone else will either beat you to the punch or you will simply never get it done. And for those of you that are like me (highly type A, total control freak, absolute perfectionist) no matter how much planning you go through if you ever do go ahead with it it’s still going to be plagued by problems anyways.
One of the biggest secrets to the continual rapid growth and success of One-to-1 Fitness is Ready, Shoot, Aim. When we launch a program we brainstorm, create a rough framework, and launch. Yes we have problems, yes we have some unhappy customers but accept it, do what it takes to make them happy. Offer high perceived value program add-ons, have the “oops” rewards you keep for times like this, use trial rates and offer money back guarantees.
Now of course as emotional creatures we all tend to think of extremes and that is the caveat to this conversation, do away with the terrible images of upset customers you have in your mind at this very moment. I’m not saying you should decide today that you want to fly an airplane and expect tomorrow to get a job with Westjet. What I am saying is that we all know what our strengths are when it comes to growing the business you want the number one thing standing in the way is you! If you want to progress by leaps and bounds pull the trigger sooner, whatever that next thing on your list is get it done and implement it. If you’re following the Profitable Personal Trainer than you are already one of the elite and whatever you do is going to be good. Once you see the problems in action they are not only easier to identify but usually easier to fix. With Ready, Shoot, Am it will be perfect sooner, trust me.
Kathy Mack April 28, 2010 at 4:53 am | Permalink |
Thanks for the fantastic Article! This really spoke to me personally today!!