Welcome Alwyn Cosgrove

As you know things have changed a lot for me in the last four years, thanks to many kind and gracious fitness professionals that have been willing to share their business success secrets with me. I’ve been able to move my career in a direction I never believed possible, in essence that’s what brought Profitable Personal Trainer into existence. My decision to begin writing and coaching was a result of the desire to want to pass on what’s been given to me by other fitness professionals to many more in hopes that we can help still more people live longer, healthier, happier lives.

Let me introduce Alwyn, another giving, well known fitness professional who was kind enough to share some words on just what happened that allowed his own career to change and grow. I know there are a number of people that read this blog that are where I once was, or where Alwyn once was and I remember how motivating it was for me to learn what made the difference for others. I hope this helps you with that next big step.

Committed to your success,


Introducing Alwyn Cosgrove,

%image_alt%The turning point in my career came when I realized that everything I needed to know about the fitness profession, training people and running a business was already out there.

All I had to do was read it or listen to it. I then started to invest in myself and I’ve never stopped.

I decided in 1995 that I would take one training session’s worth of income each week and invest it in my own education. At that time I picked up 2 books per week and committed myself to reading them. If there was a seminar or educational event I attended that. At that time there were no Perform Better educational events – really there were only certifications – so in a short time I ended up with I think 17 certifications from various organizations. Every week I disciplined myself to read 2 books or watch a video (there were no DVD’s then!) or listen to an educational audio.

It all started when I read this quote-

“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations – we fall to the level of our training” -Archilochus, Greek Soldier – and believed in it so much that it changed my direction

My goal was to learn one new thing per day — so that in a year I’d know 365 more things. That progressed to one hour of study per day – so I’d spend nine full 40-hour work weeks per year by comparison fully immersed in education.

I also started writing a 100 word summary on every training session I did – results, coaching cues that worked, exercise modifications etc. I averaged around 35 sessions per week at the time – so at the end of one year – I had close to a 200,000 word thesis on training and coaching methodology. Then, different strength coaches and rehab specialists started holding seminars. I attended everyone’s events (and actually started hosting them for additional events).

Around about the time we opened our gym I had a realization. As a trainer, I could get anyone better results with my programming and my instruction than they could on their own. I recognized that I became a black belt martial artist because of my instructors programming and instruction, better than I could on my own.

“All wealthy top achievers have coaches” – James Malinchak

So it hit me – it was time to move beyond self-education and actually hire coaches for my business. All aspects of my business. Coaches who could really fast-track my business progress and get me to the next level faster. And as a direct result of that decision – Results Fitness is one of the most successful fitness businesses in the country.

You see coaches help with a lot of things. Most goal setting programs work something like this (from the book: The Secret Code of Success):

1. Set goals (know what you want)

2. Take action towards your goals

3. Evaluate your progress

4. Adjust the approach based on your evaluation

The problem with that – is that’s not how it works for most people in the real world — here’s pretty much what happens:

1. The Fog (you have no clarity – no idea of what you truly want)

2. Treadmilling (you’re busy – really busy – but you aren’t actually moving forwards)

3. Feel like a failure (as you didn’t get any closer to your goals)

4. Try again (hoping that doing the same thing over and over will somehow lead to different results)

Hiring a coach helps figure out EXACTLY what you want – and provides ACTION steps to get you closer to that.

The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone in this field is to continually invest in yourself. Education is the single biggest difference maker in any field. Investing in yourself never fails to reap big rewards.

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