Personal Trainer Marketing: Have Purpose

I was on a coaching call just this morning when a coaching client said something profound. He said, “I’ve decided to set a goal to help people in my city lose 15,000lbs over the next year…” and then he went on to explain what he thought that meant in terms of how many people he had to train, etc.

Do you have a purpose? Mission? Or goal?

You too should set your own purpose, not only because as trainers we are methodical, goal and task oriented and that this helps us determine what the steps are to realizing that goal…it’s much bigger than that.

Your mission or goal is a critical component of your personal trainer marketing strategy, it will speak to people, it will create validation and it will provide an acceptable reason for solicitation of many forms.

Let me try to explain…

Recently I’ve been discussing website opt-ins with a lot of my coaching clients, talking about the difficult task of ensuring site conversion or opt-ins are as high as possible. Using the “3 Week Home Fat Loss” product has been a proven performer as a low barrier opt-in. This product provides tremendous value and multiple points of contact to build a relationship with the prospect. Additionally it meets their measure of validation for the “try before you buy” mentality. But even given all of that many people (myself included) will see through it; they know if they put their email in that box they’re likely to be subjected to other contact and ultimately a sales process.

Let’s face it consumers these days are skeptical, really skeptical; I mean if you doubt this just go look in the mirror. Now there’s now way to completely break down this skeptical solicitation barrier that we all have completely, but we can improve our chances of getting through with a measure of consistency with a validating mission.

 If your mission is to help people lose 15,000lbs this year…

this is the reason for your 3 Week Home Fat Loss course, because you know you need to influence people at home.

It’s a good reason to ask for my help to refer people to your course to help you reach your goal.

it’s a great reason to have a sale next month, or run a 3 week metabolic makeover short term program to enhance your community weight loss statistics.

it’s a great reason to approach local businesses to “help” you achieve this noble community effort and host a lunch and learn for their staff/customers.

it’s the reason you email your list multiple times per week to educate them about health, fitness and weigh, loss.

Having that defined purpose speaks to your audience, it becomes the “reason” for many of the things you do. In turn this enhances your expert status and gives you further credibility with them when you deliver an offer, and ultimately a slight better chance that they may accept it or better yet promote it.

It only takes minutes to think of a mission and minutes more to implement it. Got to your Facebook page and announce it, write a blog post about it, give it a static mention in your newsletters and even add it to your email signature.

This small aspect of your personal trainer marketing strategy won’t change the face of your business tomorrow but it will give everything else you do a small boost in effectiveness.

If spending minutes today can make you the hero of your community for weeks and months to come AND ultimately creates more sales isn’t it worth it?

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