GSD is How We Roll!

You know I’ve learned so much from my mentors over the year’s, this again comes from my association to Bedros.

Just before Christmas I received a small package in the mail, a gift from my coach. A simple Christmas card and a new iPod shuffle. I didn’t think much of it at first other than it was a nice sentiment.

As you know recently I just returned from an adventure in Peru. While packing for that trip I decided I was going to take this new iPod with me to listen to some music and audio programs during the trek to Machu Picchu. When I unplugged it from my macbook I noticed it was actually engraved on the back, “GSD is how we roll!”

GSD-ipodGSD has become the motto of the group; it stands for Get Shit Done! How do you do this in your business? And do you really, or are you just constantly busy doing things that aren’t propelling your business forward?

I gotta be honest there’s still too much I do in my business that I shouldn’t be doing, and I know the same is true for you. I guarantee there are things you do each day that, for one, you don’t like doing. They might be essential tasks but it doesn’t mean you should be doing them. The masterminds always remind me how important it is to delegate and outsource.

I’ve always thought I was weird (ok let’s face it not thought, I know I’m weird), I’m really not capable of working efficiently for long hours the way some people are. When I work too long on one thing I become diluted, distracted, frustrated and when I am frustrated the engine stops; nothing get’s done.

I’m also a product of scarcity, I grew up with nothing, I had a belief that the world was cruel and it was unlikely I’d succeed. Somewhere along the way I overcame some of that through perseverance and determination but my scarcity mindset still sometimes prevents me from being “wasteful” and paying others to do things that I shouldn’t be doing.

Do you truly want to be successful? If you do you must overcome this scarcity mindset, you must kick your own ass, you must be ruthless.

I insist at the beginning of every month you consider what you do each day. Make a list of all the things that are your responsibility. If you’re like me and still get fearful about giving things to others; force yourself every month to pick a task to pass off to someone else. Narrow down what you do to just a handful of things grow your business. The truth is all of us only have a few good hours a day, a few precious hours we can really focus and really Get Shit Done. Maximize those hours and maximize your desire to succeed by passing off all the things that take away from that. If you don’t enjoy it someone else should be doing it. If it stresses you out because it takes longer than you expect (like uploading videos and posting these posts on my blog) pay someone else to do it. If you feel like you can’t afford to pay someone to do it then look at my previous posts and create a goal to offset the cost and give yourself a deadline.

It’s so funny and takes way too long to realize but the more stuff you pass off that distracts you from what you’re good the more money you will make.

This has to be done every month because we’ll always have things that will creep their way in to and start to take up our precious magic time. Focus, refocus, slash, burn, eliminate and conquer! GSD is how we roll!

One Response

  1. Daniel Scherer

    Daniel Scherer January 30, 2013 at 8:55 am | | Reply

    Oh my goodness cable, you called me out for sure. I am literally distracting myself from the duties I Artie had on paper this morning. By simply reading your post. Because I absolutely do not want to do the task at hand and it’s already taking me two hours I have about one sentence on one paper. And I’m dreading even completing the task at hand. Thanks for this post, I’ll be sure to keep an inventory on my production and how to delegate.

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