A Distraction Eliminated

funny_road_signDo you use Facebook to grow your business?


Facebook, in my opinion, is one of the most robust marketing channels to quickly grow your business, and to automatically access a massive audience.


If you don’t have a fanpage for your business start one.


Once you start a fanpage it’s important you complete all areas. If you really want to set it up right I would really urge you to have a look at the Facebook Funnel by my good friend Josh Carter. (Josh is a highly trusted facebook expert in our industry and beyond.)


Once you have all areas complete it’s time to start your content stream. It’s critical you create a continual flow of interaction on your fanpage. It’s a real living, breathing community for your business.


Each day I’d commit to the following:

  • At least one positive status update or point of interest to your community.
  • At least one tip or piece of value for your audience.
  • At least one positive comment or recent success about a client or someone you know relating to your business.


When you’re making posts on your fanpage it’s been proven time and time again that posting an image with your update provides a much greater amount of interaction.


The more interaction you can stimulate the more people who will visit your page and the greater potential you’ll have to use it as an automatic lead attraction source.


Now every few weeks I’d suggest you also post an optin, if you don’t know what an optin is this is something of value you’re offering your audience for free in exchange for their email address. Free reports, videos and ebooks are very common.


In addition to optins every few weeks you might also post short term offers in an effort to stimulate immediate contac with new prospects and of course sales. (Afterall there should be a purpose to our facebook time.)


Ok now here’s something really cool I finally learned (thank you Shawna Kaminski and maybe many of you already know this.)


Batch process your facebook. Seriously facebook is all about interruption, and they are so good at it. I know I need to do all this stuff I’ve mentioned on facebook but I’ve went through periods where I’ve been really consistent and not so consistent because I know I’m going to be distracted while I’m there and it saps my productivity.


You can now cue facebook posts in advance, at the bottom of your status box is a little (easily missed) link that will allow you to choose the year, month, day, hour, and minute you’d like your post to appear.


Eliminate one of the ultimate distractions by chunking this task and preparing days in advance so you don’t need to spend much time on facebook.

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