For the Ladies….

headshotI have been in this industry for about 8 years. I love what I do – somedays I think I am slightly addicted to my amazing career. I have been coaching in the 7 Figure Mastermind for what seems like an eternity (just kidding Cabel, it’s been a slice), I have watched some powerful and inspirational women rise and shine such as Shawna Kaminski and Lori Kennedy and I think its time we just chatted a little bit about the power of being a woman in this industry.The things I am going to say in this blog are going to be controversial. I may upset a few men out there – I may even upset a few woman but thats ok, controversial debate is often what broadens our horizons.

As a woman I have worked a 9-5, had a baby, lost 120 lbs, became a certified trainer, opened a training and nutrition business business, went back to school for 3 years, opened up an FBBC boot camp, became a 6 figure earner and now i’m onto my third enterprise of coaching and mindset mentoring. While I did all of this, I made sure homework was done, the leaves were raked, the dishwasher loaded (and actually turned on), sleepovers arranged and kick ass birthday parties created. I have made sure that anniversaries were not forgotten, offered shoulders to cry on, dropped everything for family emergencies and paid the bills.

I have done it all and I know many women out there, also have to do it all. Men, do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that we are forced into this, we actually CHOOSE to take on all these roles. We volunteer to wear all these hats because as women, we are the Queens of Multitasking. We have this incredible, amazing, wonderful ability to some how manage it all without spontaneously combusting (although some days we come close). We can go from Super Mom to Super Trainer in the blink of an eye (those who have ever had to calm a fussy baby while your in-home client finishes a 3rd set of push ups know what I mean).

Women in the fitness industry, women entrepreneurs and women following their dreams have an awful lot of responsibility to manage. Yes, we get lots of support and probably even more if we remembered to ask for it but the fact remains that even in 2014, we are more often than not the home maker, breadwinner and business owner.

Geez, we rock.

And so, I want to move forward in this blog with some words of encouragement to my fellow females.

I want you to remember a few things, things that mentors have taught me over the years and things that I cling to when times are less than easy:

You have unlimited energy. Yes you can train for 10 hours, set up a wicked marketing promo and then go look after your sick child before you clean up the kitchen. You have enough energy and resources at your fingers tips to get everything done.

You are powerful – you are powerful beyond what you can even realize at this moment in time. Don’t ever forget your power.
You can have everything you want in life and you can have it quickly. You can have the business, the home life, the money and the down time. You can have it all I promise. Just decide you want it and stop questioning whether you can have it.

Realize that you are not a man. Realize that we have an amazing journey of learning and expansion and that while we may see others charging towards their goals, we realize that we have children to raise or relationships to cultivate or weddings to plan in addition to the long term dreams. Will this slow you down….yea, maybe a little. Will you be a stronger and more well rounded person because of it…..ABSOLUTELY.and lastly

With our massive hearts and desire to look after the world, please remember to love yourself. I have spent many years caring for others including clients, friends, husbands and children, sometimes without too much care for myself. You are the #1 priority. Get over feeling selfish about spending more time on yourself. Do your workouts, get your calories in and go to bed when you should. In this industry we have to “be the product”. Ensure that you are keeping yourself happy and healthy. Focus on your needs each and every day.

Thanks for reading. I am sure this may have raised some eyebrows so please feel free to comment or

Questions can also be directed to that email address and I have some amazing resources in regards to mindset and energy if you are interested.

Till next time



3 Responses

  1. Priscilla

    Priscilla March 2, 2014 at 8:20 am | | Reply

    Hey Misty,
    Thanks so much for writing this blog post, I love it!! it’s exactly what I needed to hear and to know that I’m not alone out there in this world with all my dreams and struggles. You are awesome! Priscilla, CA

  2. misty

    misty March 27, 2014 at 7:09 am | | Reply

    Thanks Pris….keep in touch

  3. Tawnie Hayne

    Tawnie Hayne May 13, 2014 at 3:06 pm | | Reply

    Thank you for writing this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve contemplated the differences between the male and female experience in our industry. So often I feel like I haven’t lived up to my potential as a trainer/business owner, but I’ve been comparing myself to the male trainers i find di inspiring. Your article and its honest account of what it’s really like to be a woman in this industry, helps me see that I’m doing it all, and I’m doing just fine!

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