
The Personal Trainer Marketing Channel You've Forgotten! (And Need to Add Right Now)

The Personal Trainer Marketing Channel You’ve Forgotten! (And Need to Add Right Now)

And it’s a high converting one, I remember one I used this personal trainer marketing strategy and it brought us more than $11,000 of new sales in just a month, and continued to deliver adding much more for months after. And this will work for you too, in fact, arguably, with a little consistent effort […]

Why You’re Failing at Group Selling Before You Start (and How-to Fix it in 4 Minutes)

Yesterday I was hosting a weekly video coaching call for some of my clients and I was teaching about why people fail when it comes to selling personal training to a group. For the record, I was slow to adopt group selling, to me I always connected best with people one-on-one and felt I’d never […]