Your Marketing Funnel and the Desperation Loop
Almost all new trainers, myself included, seem to get stuck in the Desperation Loop. The Desperation Loop is that time where we are trying super hard to generate momentum in our businesses. We’re often struggling to make ends meet; trying to take clients any where we can to ensure income continues to flow. We’re scratching, clawing, biting, anything we can to achieve the security our families both need and deserve.
It’s not easy, but you must continue to do what you are doing, take every chance you can get to acquire new clients today and keep trying to increase your cash flow. Equally paramount you must break the cycle of the Desperation Loop as quickly as you can. Many trainers don’t and this is why the rate of attrition in our industry remains so high. It’s difficult believe and even more difficult to commit to but, no matter how desperate things can seem you must ensure that you consistently schedule a little time every week to be working on your marketing funnel.

Creating an automated stream of new prospects to your business will provide you and your family the security they both need and deserve.
Your marketing funnel is the engine of your business. At first that engine doesn’t idle very well, it just continually wants to stall at any moment. With consistent effort and adding the parts that allow it to maintain a more consistent environment your engine will idle and run with little to no supervision or minimal added effort, it’s then that you can stomp on the accelerator.
So what does this mean for your business?
Well the first thing your engine needs is fuel, in our case our fuel is new leads, contacts and prospects. The second thing we need is a container to put that fuel in, in our case this means a database that allows us to easily add, subtract, organize, and contact our prospects. And the third critical thing we need (while we work on fine tuning the engine) is something to ensure the fuel doesn’t go bad or stale, in our case this means a simple means of consistently contacting them on a regular basis to build a relationship.
You see the truth is as a small business the success of your relationships will determine the health and success of your business. Consumers have too many options, and too many competing business can afford to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to brand an idea. Your only hope at getting through on your shoestring budget is to slowly over time build a relationship.
Back to the desperation loop. In the desperation loop you are only attracting the prospects that are ready to buy and make a commitment right now, those that are not are going to move on and look at other things until they are in that buying mode, not likely to be with you. By using an easy system of managing contacts and contacting regularly you build a relationship that ensures when they are ready to buy it will be with you.
How does the new trainer do this easily?
Well there is only one done-for-you solution I know of and that’s FitPro Newsletter. I talked about this a little bit last weekend in my presentation. An electronic newsletter is the ideal way to: easily manage, contact and build relationships with all your contacts simultaneously. FitPro Newsletter makes it easy as you don’t even have to create the newsletters; the software designers generate regular content bi-weekly and wrap it in a shell meant to look like you. FitPro is an easy solution to allow you to manage the time and difficulties of the Desperation Loop while providing the foundation of your marketing funnel. Build your funnel and the Desperation Loop will end, I believe everyone should use FitPro Newsletter, I’ve used it since its creation and it has changed the face of my business. (And in full transparency, if you do click on this link and choose to buy it I will receive a small commission which I use to offset my website costs, however that’s only within the last couple months and I’ve been promoting this product for years. I will never recommend anything I don’t use or 100% believe in, this is one of the most important products you can use for building your business.)