How-to Spend Your Marketing Dollars the Right Way – Part 2

Effective fitness marketing doesn

Effective fitness marketing doesn't require you to be a crappy car salesman.

Ok last week we talked about how we all get sucked into running awareness, branding type advertising campaigns because that’s what we’re constantly exposed to by big business. We also discussed why a low barrier of entry list building ad can be far more effective and how easy it is to measure it.

This week we’re going to talk about the other major campaign structure, and that’s the one that instantly creates sales. All of your campaigns revolve around one critical component, solving a major problem face by your most likely customer. Your marketing should reflect that. It’s not about you or the name of your business nearly as much as it is about educating, you earn their interest, trust and loyalty and they will be looking to learn who you are and remember it. Far longer than any flash in the pan branding campaign you or I could afford to do.

If you want to sell from an ad you must always provide an irresistible offer, each ad at best is a short flash in the pan. You are banking on the people seeing your ads are actually looking and ready to buy your services. On that note you have to do everything possible to move as many people to action as possible. If you previously missed it you should read this blog post:

The free session doesn’t cut it; the 10% discount is garbage. You have to give something today that shows so much value that I would literally be stupid and remorseful to pass it up.

Find ways to give high value trials of 2 weeks or longer, package them with value add services from strategic business relationships to up the ante even more value without costing you anything.

Now if you’re like most you are resistant or hesitant to give so much away for the fear of working for free forever. If you are afraid of this you don’t yet understand the process or you’re not very good at delivering results to you clients. If it’s the later then stop reading and pull out the classifieds, it’s time for you to get a different job.

For those of you that are afraid to give away so much service, understand it’s never free it’s a deferred payment plan. Your goal is to overwhelm your new client in their trial with tonnes of value and then provide multiple offers throughout the trial to encourage them to stay. This is far more effective than trying to sell a package in your ad for the simple reason that there are 2 primary reasons prospects don’t buy immediately:

1)      Not enough perceived value. In an ad they will judge you and your value before they ever meet you, if it’s not enough value they quickly move on. Within an extended trial you can provide multiple offers stacking the value to find the point which offers enough value for your prospect to instantly convert. Which leads to the second point.

2)      Lack of trust. The only other reason they don’t convert is that they don’t trust you yet, but within an extended trial you have an extended opportunity to win their trust and loyalty.

Tracking and evaluation of the campaign is easy, again all responses to the ad will come by phone, email or website. You can get a special number for people to call and track the number of calls versus the number of people that actually commit to the trial and then how many of those commit to a long term package. You could from that calculate your cost per lead, your ad conversion, and ultimately sales conversion down to the exact dollar to compare to the cost of the campaign. By setting up a separate email you could easily do this by email, or by using a dedicated web landing page you can go further to track how many landed on the page, inquired, signed up for the trial and then converted.

There you have it, the easy way to analyze any marketing campaign. This is just a very small fragment of the systems and analysis that can be accessed in our licensing program. If you’d like to no more check it out on the Business Essentials page.

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