Weird Density Workout (Clients Love This)

I’d like to introduce you to a good friend of mine who has brought something totally unique to the workout world, today he’s got something really cool to share with you, take it away Mikey…

Mike_W-BioMike Whitfield, CTT

Author, Workout Finishers

I had a problem and I had to do something about it. You see, I trained at a small family gym in Dallas, GA. In January, it was really crowded as I’m sure you’ve seen this yourself.

Typically with my clients, I would take them through a simple bodyweight exercise warm-up of easier exercises. We would do bodyweight squats, pushups, planks and more.

Then it was time to do some metabolic resistance training. There was this small space in our gym where people would typically do their stretching and even get out the mats for some core work.

I liked to keep my clients moving and I didn’t want them having to walk all over the gym to work the supersets and circuits that Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) includes.

So, I would bring the dumbbells, bench and anything else needed to this small area. I call it the “open area” because it was indeed the only open area in the gym. Most of the time, this space wasn’t utilized. Unfortunately, the “ab machines” were more popular than this space. But being a trainer, I’m sure you already know how that goes… they just don’t work.

Anyway, after our MRT, it was time to assign them intervals. I would prescribe my clients a specific interval program to follow immediately after their workout or they can perform the intervals on their “off day” as long as it didn’t interfere with their recovery between their main workouts.

But like I said above, in January, the gym was pure chaos. My clients couldn’t even perform their interval training because all the machines were taken up. We had a variety of treadmills, ellipticals, bikes and even stair-climbers, but every single one of them were being used.

My clients were frustrated, and I certainly understood that. So, I started to use Workout Finishers instead. This would be a circuit or superset of intense exercise with short rest periods (if any rest).

Here’s the thing – my clients enjoyed the finishers more than the interval training, PLUS they were getting BETTER results. But what I found that intrigued me even more was that they stayed more consistent with their workouts because they found the finishers more challenging and fun.

They admitted they liked the change and the fact that they can do their “intervals” in just a fraction of the time that it used to take.

Doing this for one-on-one clients was great because I could use specific reps and rest periods based on their individual fitness level. But using finishers with my clients and campers became a challenge.

That’s when I started to use “density” circuits and supersets. This is when you complete as many reps or as many rounds in a certain timeframe. There are a variety of ways to use density finishers, but one of my favorites is using a short rep scheme with 2-3 exercises.

It’s certainly different, but that’s what our clients come to us for, right? We have to be different than our competition and really bring it.

Plus, the density approach allows your campers, small groups and semi-private training clients to work at their unique fitness level. Density finishers allow you to rest when needed. You simply jump in and out as needed as the timer continues to tick.

Here is the most popular finisher using this density approach that I did at the Turbulence Training Summit in 2012. It’s called the “3’s Company” Finisher. I know… my names are hilarious. Check it out:


Here is the actual finisher broken down:

Do as many rounds of this circuit as possible in 3 minutes, resting only when needed.

Burpee/Spiderman Pushup (3)

Lunge Jump (3/side)

X-Body Mountain Climber  (3/side)

The density approach lets you put in a lot of volume in a little bit of time. That means your clients will be challenged and get better results in less time. That’s a win/win for you and them.

Just be sure to tell your clients to rest when their form is getting sloppy. The idea is to put in quality work in the amount of time given.MW-WF2.0-Spiral-Flat

That’s what separates you from the trainers and coaches down the street. Even though it’s 2013, I’m sure you still see other trainers prescribing boring cardio for their clients, but you definitely know better.

Let your clients have fun AND get results,

Mike Whitfield, CTT

Creator, Workout Finishers

Get 51 brand NEW Workout Finishers here


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