You Need to Attend Events!

owlAs I write this I’m 40,000 feet in the air on my way home from Fitness Business Summit 2013. I’ve been to this event every year since it’s inception in 2007 and this was the third time I’ve be honored by being asked to present.

Every year the event get’s big and the force multiplier of its effect is spectacular.

I always get excited about this event. The day I arrive I’m feeling good, unwinding from the day to day of running the business. I’m looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues and thrilled to think about all the great content that will be shared and especially the few light bulb tidbits I’ll walk away with.

And every year I’m shocked at what happens.

Every day it builds, by Sunday it’s bursting at the seams.

The positive energy of hundreds of people that have completely transformed; this may sound ridiculous but it’s absolutely true and I guarantee it will happen to you if you attend quality events.

You see you think this event is about business, and tools, tips, and tricks to build a bigger/better one, but it’s so much more than that.

The event draws together the energy of hundreds of people with a spark of a very special emotion, desire.

As the event winds on that spark of desire ignites into a raging bonfire and hour-by-hour you can feel it. The aura of optimism, of will, the raging fire of desire, dreams, ideas, passion and support is overwhelming.

You can’t help but leave and be more enthusiastic, more productive and indestructible in the face of adversity for a time.

It amazes me how many personal trainers I meet that don’t make an active effort to attend live continuing education events or any kind of life personal development workshop. I realized this year that with all the success I’ve had even I have not effectively taken advantage of what live events can do for my business. I highly recommend you attend something at least every 90 days.

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