The Profitable Personal Trainer After more than 2 decades in the industry and thousands of physical client transformations I realized a few years ago that my passion had shifted. As I learned effective fitness marketing strategies and fitness business systems from some of the best in the business I began to see my life change, quickly. As my life changed I was able to hire and create new opportunities for other trainers who in turn were able to help a lot more people look and feel better about themselves.

It didn’t take long before I was eager to begin to share what I had learned with other fitness professionals at conferences and beyond. None the less my goal is to help more fitness professionals who in turn will help more people. I hope you find the videos here and the posts on my blog (http://www.ProfitablePersonalTrainer.com0 helpful.

I now offer coaching through the coaching/mastermind program with Bedros Keuilan that has played an instrumental part in my own growth and success, you can learn about that at

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