How to Beat Your Competition And Live A Life of Abundance

unnamedGrowing up I had it in my head, that being a cage fighter would be the coolest thing ever.


I found the closest kickboxing/MMA gym I could find. This was just before MMA was really mainstream so these gyms where dimly lit, lined with carpet covered with blood and sweat.


It was intimidating, and I was scared, especially when the first time I sparred I got the snot kicked out of me by someone that was 10 years my senior.


But even with the bruises and blood I was dumb enough to continue.


Eventually I got good, good enough that when a newbie came in, I could beat the snot out of them too.


If they didn’t put there hands up, I would keep punching them in the face until they did. If they didn’t learn to check kicks, I would turn their leg into hamburger meat until they did.


Hey, this is how I learned you should too!


Looking back, this has everything to do with a scarcity mindset.


See, when we think in scarcity, we’re afraid to show our stuff to the competition because they will eventually take it and use it against you.


If you teach someone exactly how to block your punches then you won’t be able to hit them anymore. And they might actually be able to hit you back.


That’s why Chinese Martial Arts was so secretive, they were afraid that it would be used against them. Until someone by the name of Bruce Lee came along and started teaching it to the world. He started blending the styles, and may arguably be the first MMA fighter.


And look at how far the sport has come now.


That is what abundance mindset is.


If I had the abundance mindset earlier, I would teach and nurture a new fighter so they could block punches and kicks early on and maybe even hit me. This in turn forces me to “UP” my game to prevent it from happening.


Think about your competition in business now. Imagine if you were to share your best stuff, training methodology, and business practices. So what if they got a hold of it, that would just mean you would have to deliver more in value to compete.


Your clients would love you even more and you would really be world class.


That is what having the abundance mindset is about, knowing that there is plenty to go around and because you were the first to share, you’ll be seen as an authority.


So 3 things to help develop an abundance mindset:


1. Treat everything you do as an investment.


2. Contribute to other peoples growth.


3. Be a leader and authority to help others see bigger futures.

And being the authority is a whole other post.

Fighting to keep you fit,
Joe Fight

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