Personal Training Business Tips

Your Personal Trainer Marketing Avatar A critical exercise for every trainer trying to grow a successful personal training business. Defining your personal trainer marketing avatar will ensure your brand message is clear and consistent, this kind of focused consistency will ultimately attract more client predictably and efficiently.

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How EAS is Key to Selling Personal Training When it comes to selling personal training no one likes “sales.” You don’t have to pressure your potential clients into anything you just need to recognize and nurture what led them to take that difficult first step and call you in the first place.

The importance of selling your personal training services

Most personal trainers that are new to the business are excited about their new business venture, however it is very important to understand the significance of self-promotion and marketing. Many personal trainers fail in business, as they don’t do enough promotion and marketing.


You should always keep in mind that marketing your personal training business is the same as marketing yourself. You need to be confident in your services, skill and what you can offer. You need to be forward in telling people what you have to offer them and how you are able to help them. Once you go into business as a personal trainer, you cannot afford to be humble. This will result in a lack of clients and can result in the end of your business.


In order to succeed in any business, you need to be comfortable with promoting yourself. For many people, this involves getting outside their comfort zone. When you first begin with your personal training marketing, you might not be confident enough in the way you sell yourself. This is something that you need to overcome very quickly. The easiest way to do this is by simply offering high quality training services that you are proud of. When you know that you can help people and offer them great benefits you will be proud to charge high prices and demand the best from people. You will also be happy to turn people down if they don’t meet your criteria.


As there are so many ways to market your personal training business on the Internet, you need to be confident in every marketing message that you give out. If you are writing blog posts, social media replies, articles or forum posts, you must show that you are confident in your business and in what you can offer clients. What you say will come across to the people reading, so you need to promote yourself.


If you don’t promote yourself, then you will be passed over for someone else. You must have a strong belief in yourself and your service. You should also be very professional in your manner, but clearly show that what you have to offer is superior to the rest of the marketplace. Running a business is all about self-promotion. There are many ways that you can promote yourself online, but you need to come across as confident. If you are not able to show your confidence, then people will not trust you (or they will choose another personal trainer).


Selling and marketing is as vital as knowing the skills involved in training a client. Without the selling and marketing aspects, you will not have a business to run. You should take the time to learn and apply the top marketing tactics to your business. Remember that you need to have confidence when marketing your personal training services. You can build this confidence by making promises and then delivering on them with the clients that you train.

Popular fitness marketing strategies

There are many marketing strategies that personal trainers use but some are much more effective than others. Inside this article, you will find some of the most popular fitness marketing strategies.


Bootcamp training


Offering a bootcamp is something that many personal trainers do in order to drum up more business. This is a very effective marketing strategy as it is a novel idea that many people enjoy. You can advertise this as a one-off event and sell it from the aspect of its uniqueness.


Build an online mailing list


As a personal trainer, you need to have an online mailing list. This gives you a group of people that you can send emails to on a regular basis. You can sell your services via this method and it costs you nothing. You can also send your subscribers information about diet, fitness and other interesting topics. This is a great way to show that you care for the people and show how much you know.


When you do decide to send out a promotion for your services, you are much more likely to get a high response from your mailing list, then with any other method. It is easily to setup by using a simple auto responder system on your website.


Facebook marketing


Marketing on Facebook is something that more and more personal trainers have been using recently. This has proven to be very successful as it lets people join your fan page and see what offers and training schedules you have. You can also use Facebook to build up a mailing list. Facebook is now one of the largest websites (in terms of traffic) on the Internet, and the members are very active. It is very inexpensive to place a small advert on the website, and you can change the settings so that it only appears for people in your local area.


Video marketing


Video marketing is another very powerful form of marketing for personal trainers. You can create short ten-minute videos very easily and then upload them to websites such as YouTube. These videos can give out some useful information and then direct people to your website. This is a very easy way to generate high rankings in the search engines and also generate a lot of exposure for your website.


Use the local radio


Something that many personal trainers overlook is their local radio station. These stations get lots of listeners and this is a prime market for your services. Radio shows are always looking to fill time slots with good quality information, so if you approach them, they are likely to ask you on the show.


You can easily get a five to fifteen minute slot in which you help listeners with their health related questions. You can then plug your own business and let people know how they can find or reach you. If you have not thought about this marketing method then try investigating it further.


Use the marketing methods above to quickly generate more leads for your personal training business. These things don’t take too long to put into place but the payoff is worthwhile.


How-to Easily Attract Clients Even if You Hate Sales and Marketing

I would say nearly every trainer I’ve met, including myself, started their career because they enjoyed working out. In my case in particular my career began because people just kept asking questions whenever I was in the gym. They seemed to think because I was frequently in the gym and appeared to be in good shape that I must have useful advice. Eventually desperation set in; I needed to raise money for my next college term my personal training business was born.


I only mention these humble beginnings because I think that this likely similar story is shared by many of you. It also has a correlation to the struggles many trainers have to continually attract new clients. I could easily share with you some of the most cutting edge marketing tactics or my latest harebrained idea to generate dozens of leads but there would still be some that would struggle and ultimately fail, and it’s that which I want to focus on today.


We truly are our own worst enemy. More often than not we get in our own way or are simply paralyzed by traditional thinking. Let’s discuss this as it pertains to lead generation and client attraction.


It doesn’t take most new trainers long to figure out that there just isn’t going to be enough people beating down your door to not have to learn about sales and marketing. Most trainers shudder at the thought of ‘selling’ their clients anything this becomes one of a series of serious roadblocks.


I had a real problem taking people’s money at first, even though I was dead broke. I felt what I was sharing was common knowledge, that was easy to acquire, and that everyone should know this stuff. The reality is, that statement is entirely true, yet trainers are needed more than ever because of the demands of a North American lifestyle. We can’t afford to be experts in many things or we wouldn’t be effective at anything. If your neighbours took the time to understand the advanced strategies of effective fitness and nutrition in an effort to better look after themselves there would be a severe labour shortage in many other industries, or the quality of work would be horrendous. In an effort to better manage all the goals and responsibilities of their chosen lifestyle people rely on you to ensure their health and longevity is protected in the most efficient manner possible. Consider that for a moment, if that makes sense to you imagine sitting across from your next prospective client and explaining the same thing to them. Imagine if it made sense to them. At no point were you ‘selling’ them anything but rather establishing valid position for why they might benefit from considering the services that you offer. You are an expert, use your skills to educate others and you will be rewarded with their loyalty and support.


Let’s move forward and consider this same concept when it comes to marketing. Trainers don’t usually have a lot of money to spend on advertising or marketing, yet once we realize we are in business for ourselves we acknowledge that this is part of what we must do. Logically we take note of the things much larger businesses are doing and attempt to emulate. I’m sure you’ve quickly spent more than you could afford on a variety of things like print ads, radio campaigns, direct mail campaigns, road signs and more. Some may have yielded some result and many just made you reluctant to continue to spend money on advertising at all. You may have heard someone like me discuss the value of strategic business alliances or using leadboxes and other marketing tools in other businesses. Only to be discouraged when 19 of 20 businesses you asked simply said, “no.” Nobody starts a business to help another business, even a non-competitive one, succeed (unless you are business coach that is.) So you shouldn’t be surprised when other businesses say no to helping you when it comes to displaying anything from posters, to business cards or leadboxes; but you shouldn’t take no for an answer. If you believe in what you do you must be filled with conviction to spread your message, after all people’s long-term health and well being depend on it. When a strategic partner says no they’re really saying the same thing as you are when you turn away the pushy salesman. They’re saying they don’t know or trust you and they see no immediate benefit to them in that which you are offering. The next time you talk with a strategic partner and they seem less than interested thank them and reassure them that you understand. Then offer them an extended trial of your services at no-charge. If you believe in your message you have a responsibility to help them be more successful by improving their health and well-being with your expert skills. Winning their favour could have long term positive benefits and what better way to do it than to invest in them and make a difference in their lives? Stick to what made you become a trainer in the first place, remember that people first told you that you were an expert even before you decided you would be one. Don’t sell or pitch but rather use your unique talents to better others and suddenly my hare-brained lead generation tactics will begin to work like magic.

Podcasts – a great method of fitness marketing

If you are in the fitness industry and want an easy and inexpensive way to promote your business then you should think about using podcasts. This is a marketing method that works whether you are a personal trainer, a gym club owner or another form of fitness professional.

Podcasts are a method of having a live conversation on the Internet (with a group of people that you invite). You can think of it as a form of Internet radio, as the principles are the same. Besides having a conversation with prospect and clients, you can also record the podcast and then upload it to your website so that other people can listen and download it at a later date (for free or as part of a paid product).

This can then be used as a promotion to get people to sign up to your mailing list, or simply to promote yourself and your services. It can be used in a number of different ways and will be seen as very valuable by your prospects.

The key to having a great podcast is to have a range of interesting subjects to discuss. You can create a question and answer session or you can simply give out training tips that you think are most relevant. Of course you can organize a series of podcasts if you wish, and cover a wide range of subjects over the course of a few weeks.

Question and answer sessions work very well as you can relate to specific issues of fitness and training that people want to know more about. For example, you can discuss how to structure a workout while you are on holiday and not able to attend the gym. You can generate a wide range of subjects that can be covered in a 45-minute session.

Another simple method of ensuring that you talk about the most relevant issues is to have your readers send in questions that you will answer live on the podcast. You can ask your readers to call you and have a conversation (tell them to bring a question to the call). This makes it much more interactive and will help people to get a lot more value from the podcast. This will give them more incentive to check out your other content and see what services you have to offer.

Always remember to give away valuable content that people can put into action right away. This is the key to having a popular podcast and it will increase your website traffic, signup rate and ultimately your sales.


Podcasting is something that most other fitness professionals overlook or don’t use. This gives you an immediate advantage that you can put into practice and will set you apart from the other personal trainers in your local area.

This will also give you the perspective of being an authority on the subject. This is very important, as people are more likely to trust and look to you when they need a personal trainer.

How-to Get Your Clients to PAY YOU to Send Their Referrals

How-to Get Your Clients to PAY YOU to Send Their Referrals

fitness-marketing-plastic-cardBy now I think we’ve all heard of the plastic gift card but just in case you haven’t let me first briefly explain what they are and how they’ve been used.

There are a number of manufacturer’s online that can produce a plastic gift card for you that looks and feels like something you would buy at any local chain store. Many savvy fitness pros may first have heard about this from guys like Steve Hochman and Bedros Keuilian. Using a high value amount like $100 having these cards made in the image of your business has proven to be a sound awareness and lead generation tool. The key is to give plenty away through any channel you can. Lead boxes, silent auctions, gift bags at events, in addition to your business cards, with partner businesses as a way to appreciate their customers with a thank you gift and so on. We’ve even seen our cards become a traded commodity in classifieds and on Facebook, talk about free awareness and branding!

While attending a mastermind weekend an idea was born on how to take this whole plastic card marketing tool a whole lot further. A method that not only practically guaranteed redemption but also allows you to generate revenue from them directly. Let’s have your clients refer their friends and family and pay you to do it!

Let’s face it our services are expensive, no matter how good you are you are going to face the resistance of price at times and even if you don’t we can both surely agree that everyone likes an opportunity to save money and get a deal.

When you sign up a new client I’d suggest the following strategy. Immediately give them a thank you card with your gift card inside, explain how it’s used. Next explain that today they can buy one additional card for a nominal amount and if it’s redeemed in the next 30 days in addition to the person they refer they will also receive the full amount of the gift card credited against their account. In addition explain if they meet this in the next 30 days you will add them to your VIP referral list meaning they can continue to buy cards at a nominal rate for anyone they wish to refer and basically get their own training free!

You’ve now incentivized a whole new sales team for pennies compared to traditional marketing channels. By simply paying even a few dollars for the gift card it’s almost guaranteed to be redeemed because we’re all pre-programmed to try to avoid wasting money. Additionally if I can get my own training for free I’m first wondering what the catch is, yet buy buying the card you eliminate this natural defense mechanism because I have now made an active decision to invest in an opportunity to earn my own training for free.

Now this may not appeal to everyone but it absolutely can predictably and repeatedly generate a few more quality referrals each month and that is the whole name of the game. Eliminate the need for a crystal ball with multiple predictable strategies that make reaching your business goals simply a product of execution.