Personal Trainer Marketing

A Distraction Eliminated

A Distraction Eliminated

funny_road_signDo you use Facebook to grow your business?


Facebook, in my opinion, is one of the most robust marketing channels to quickly grow your business, and to automatically access a massive audience.


If you don’t have a fanpage for your business start one.


Once you start a fanpage it’s important you complete all areas. If you really want to set it up right I would really urge you to have a look at the Facebook Funnel by my good friend Josh Carter. (Josh is a highly trusted facebook expert in our industry and beyond.)


Once you have all areas complete it’s time to start your content stream. It’s critical you create a continual flow of interaction on your fanpage. It’s a real living, breathing community for your business.


Each day I’d commit to the following:

  • At least one positive status update or point of interest to your community.
  • At least one tip or piece of value for your audience.
  • At least one positive comment or recent success about a client or someone you know relating to your business.


When you’re making posts on your fanpage it’s been proven time and time again that posting an image with your update provides a much greater amount of interaction.


The more interaction you can stimulate the more people who will visit your page and the greater potential you’ll have to use it as an automatic lead attraction source.


Now every few weeks I’d suggest you also post an optin, if you don’t know what an optin is this is something of value you’re offering your audience for free in exchange for their email address. Free reports, videos and ebooks are very common.


In addition to optins every few weeks you might also post short term offers in an effort to stimulate immediate contac with new prospects and of course sales. (Afterall there should be a purpose to our facebook time.)


Ok now here’s something really cool I finally learned (thank you Shawna Kaminski and maybe many of you already know this.)


Batch process your facebook. Seriously facebook is all about interruption, and they are so good at it. I know I need to do all this stuff I’ve mentioned on facebook but I’ve went through periods where I’ve been really consistent and not so consistent because I know I’m going to be distracted while I’m there and it saps my productivity.


You can now cue facebook posts in advance, at the bottom of your status box is a little (easily missed) link that will allow you to choose the year, month, day, hour, and minute you’d like your post to appear.


Eliminate one of the ultimate distractions by chunking this task and preparing days in advance so you don’t need to spend much time on facebook.

The Ultimate Workout Solution

Here’s some more kick ass content from my good industry friend Mike Whitfield. Serious read and deploy!


Mike_W-BioMike Whitfield, CTT

Author, Workout Finishers

Once you read this, you will change the way you approach training with your clients and campers forever. That’s actually a good thing.

If you’re anything like me, you’re willing to learn and invest in yourself to simply get better. That’s what I’ve done for years in order to give my clients and campers even better results.

After all, that’s what they pay us to do, right?

Back in the fall of 2011, I released a program called “Workout Finishers” which was based exactly on what I did with my own clients and campers to get faster results, but more importantly, made them more consistent.

Had I not invested in programs from great coaches like Alwyn Cosgrove, Craig Ballantyne, John Romaniello and more, I would have never even tried using finishers with my clients.


But… What is a Workout Finisher? 

In a nutshell, a finisher is a VERY metabolically demanding superset or circuit (and yes, sometimes even just one exercise) with very short rest periods and they include some of the craziest, yet effective set and rep schemes you have ever seen.

It’s the perfect solution to replace long, boring cardio and even intervals for your campers and clients.

The goods news gets even better – they last just a fraction of the time that long cardio and intervals take. Some are as short as three minutes!

Workout Finishers Can Be Used

  • At the END of ANY workout for an ultimate workout grand finale for improved conditioning and faster fat loss
  • As off day conditioning and the perfect solution for people who are stuck on a plateau
  • Some of the fastest workouts you can do when you are tight on time or have a very busy schedule (us as trainers face this a lot)

How Do Workout Finishers Work?

They just do. Next question.

Seriously – the real “secret” to workout finishers is based on one simple, yet brutally effective factor. That is the volume of work done in a short amount of time.

This is also known as “density”… and there is a lot of it.

In fact, that’s why Workout Finishers 2.0 came about.  I stumbled upon this study revealed in 2012:

Canadian researchers at Queen’s University tested a Workout Finisher style workout against long cardio.

(Reference: Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2012 Sep 20.)

22 college-aged women did 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks in one of three groups.

Group A did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate

Group B did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of a single bodyweight exercise (burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, or squat thrusts) with 10 seconds of rest between rounds.

Group C did nothing (they were the non-training control group).


Both training groups increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%). That’s right, the short finisher style workouts (of 4 minutes) worked just as well as 30 minutes of cardio.

BUT…only Group B, the Workout Finishers style training, also increased muscular endurance in common exercises like chest presses, leg extensions, sit-ups, and push-ups.

And finally, the Finishers style of training used by Group B also resulted in greater overall workout enjoyment.

The Canadian Scientists concluded that this style of training will boost cardiovascular fitness just as well as cardio while giving you BETTER improvements in muscle endurance…

All in just 4 minutes.

This ONE Study Impacted ALL Future Workout Finishers I Wrote

And sure enough, my readers and clients enjoyed this new change. The finishers became a little shorter, yet more intense.

Yet they were short, my clients and readers were getting even BETTER results.

So, What Does a Sample Workout Finisher Look Like?

That’s a good question, so let’s do one. At the end of your next workout yourself or with a client, perform this fun one. This is a great one to use with your camp or even group training because it uses timed sets so your clients can go at their own pace.

The Jump, Push, Swing and Climb

Do the following circuit three times, resting only as shown. If your campers or clients need more rest, that’s fine. They can simply jump back in.

Lunge Jumps (20 secs), rest 10 secs

Close-Grip Pushups (20 secs), rest 10 secs

KB or DB Swings (20 secs), rest 10 secs

Mountain Climbers (20 secs), rest 10 secs

Six minutes – Boom Done.

MW-WF2.0-Spiral-FlatThat’s why I HAD to come up with a new version of Workout Finishers. After all, if I could get even better and faster results in less time with my readers and clients, it was time to improve the original classic.

That’s exactly what I did with Workout Finishers 2.0. You’ll find 51 more fun and addicting finishers for yourself and to use with your campers and clients.

These fun workout grand finales are what kept my clients and campers coming back for more week after week.

But between you and I – I was more excited about their consistency to working out and them enjoying their workouts. That’s what it’s all about.

Plus, this gives them a permanent solution to never having to do boring cardio ever again.



To your success,

Mike Whitfield, CTT


Get 51 brand NEW Workout Finishers here


Foundation Marketing: Cross Promotion

Over these next few weeks I’ll be posting this entire series detailing my strategies on effectively developing strategic partnerships in your community.

I believe that developing strategic partnerships is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways of building your business. It should be one of the foundation elements that receive continual focus with direct goals in every quarter.

Now one of the big problems with strategic partnerships is that local businesses are constantly approached or solicited by others to do things, display things or post things that help other people grow their business. For the business being approached this generally just takes up valuable space and is a waste of time with little to no reciprocal benefit which is why so many businesses won’t talk to you or have a standard practice of saying no.

Here are my five steps to overcoming this. Go with a giving hand and deliver real value that leads to mutually beneficial relationships.

  1. Interview the Expert
  2. Sponsor Your Community
  3. The Charity Lunch & Learn
  4. Cross Promotion
  5. Revenue Share Programs

In this post we’re going to cover the fourth step, which is direct Cross Promotion. 

This is where it get’s really fun.


If you’ve followed this process as I’ve outlined and fully committed to each step you’ve now doubt created a great new stream of leads for your business. More importantly you’ve created relationships that lend credibility and that are strong enough to ensure your strategic partners will be compelled to work for you.

It’s time to talk to them about direct cross promotion.

One of the common promotions I’ve made popular in our industry from my first speech at Fitness Business Summit was the use of a leadbox.

A Leadbox has some fundamental problems though, they take up space and don’t really do a lot if people are mentioning them and actually directing people to enter.

At this stage in your relationship your partners will likely be excited about promoting your leadbox because you’ve given them so much upfront value.

One of the ways you can further enhance this is start your leadbox with a non-traditional offer. Working with your strategic partner create a prize package for entry that people will perceive as valuable this makes it easy to promote and ensures lots of submissions. Real tangible product combined with services for one winner creates massive perceived value that helps to overcome peoples fear of exposing their personal information. In addition your relationship with the strategic partner will have them excited to promote that value to win to their customers enhancing the number of submissions you receive.

Now obviously when you award the prize don’t stop there, make sure you’re contacting the other submissions with a high value trial or offer to generate as many warm prospects as possible and add them all to your list.

After the first month I recommend switching to a standard offer box for at least 60 days before offering the tangible prize again, you need to keep it fresh. Though the submissions will be lower your relationship will still ensure the strategic partner promotes it. This is also why you will need to rotate it to something dramatic every couple of months.

Now in addition or instead of the leadbox it’s time to talk to your strategic partner about possibly promoting you to their list. Create a high value promotion and provide them all the resources to easily send or promote it. I’d even suggest you let them keep a portion or all of the revenue and simply let them provide the certificates for service that people redeem with you. Your relationship and the tremendous value will almost guarantee they’ll be willing to promote your one-off offer.

14, 21 and 28 day programs or some other high-value trial package work great for this. If possible you always want to direct the promotion to where people are opting in with you to give you their contact information and become part of your list, this is what we’re really buying. Just make sure you’re prepared with your system of converting these people to ongoing clients so you can maximize your benefit from this cross promotion.

Next comes our final step, the Revenue Share Program, stay tuned!

Foundation Marketing: The Charity Lunch & Learn

Foundation Marketing: The Charity Lunch & Learn

Over these next few weeks I’ll be posting this entire series detailing my strategies on effectively developing strategic partnerships in your community.

I believe that developing strategic partnerships is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways of building your business. It should be one of the foundation elements that receive continual focus with direct goals in every quarter.

Now one of the big problems with strategic partnerships is that local businesses are constantly approached or solicited by others to do things, display things or post things that help other people grow their business. For the business being approached this generally just takes up valuable space and is a waste of time with little to no reciprocal benefit which is why so many businesses won’t talk to you or have a standard practice of saying no.

Here are my five steps to overcoming this. Go with a giving hand and deliver real value that leads to mutually beneficial relationships.

  1. Interview the Expert
  2. Sponsor Your Community
  3. The Charity Lunch & Learn
  4. Cross Promotion
  5. Revenue Share Programs

In this post we’re going to cover the third step, which is the Charity Lunch & Learn.

lunch-learnOk this step is really critical and is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to organizations that can bring groups of 10-20 or more people together.

Every business in the community quickly realizes that part of their brand or community perception will be as a result of charitable contributions or their efforts to give back to the community. This is especially true in smaller markets like mine.

You know have a budding relationship with some great strategic partners. This time I suggest you contact them and attempt to learn what charitable organizations they like to support. Once this information is know suggest to provide your time and knowledge in the form of a charitable event that both your and their audience could attend. It’s always better to encourage this even be held at their location (if that’s at all viable) to ensure they see how they would be getting the maximum benefit.

Essentially you want to give them a reason (and preferably all the done for you tools) to promote this event internally. As the sheer virtue that they are hosting a charitable event lends to their brand, credibility and reputation in the community.

People will attend the event for just a donation. Your job is to deliver highly valuable content, information that they might use and take away immediately. I suggest nutritional lectures with easy recommendations to immediately implement tomorrow; or home or office workouts with demonstrations and the reason why it’s important.

What you’re not going to provide is handouts.

Always educate, and in truth we all need to make an attempt to be more eco-friendly. You must never attempt to sell your services at an event like this. Instead your goal is to make it easy for people to want to receive more CONTENT from you, not necessarily information about your services (that comes later.)

Sure some will immediately ask and of course treat these like the warm leads that they are but your primary mission is to educate and most importantly leave people wanting to opt-in.

Leave a clipboard and a pen at the back of the room when you conclude your only offer should be things like electronic handouts or the promise of a bundle of more great content if people will leave you their name and email. Your goal is to leave with contact info of at least 65-70% of your audience.

These people are now part of your marketing funnel and you can directly warm them up to qualified leads that become customers. In two such events last fall I had a combined audience of about 65 people over the two events and this lead to well over $30,000 in new programs within out studio in just the days that followed the events.

In the format of the charity lunch and learn you majorly enhance your relationship with your strategic partner, value to them, you and your audience and ultimately position yourself for a stream of warm leads (and grow you contact list.)

Speaking engagements are incredibly powerful in this format they can be a game changer for your business.

Next time we’ll talk about finally establishing direct cross promotion.

Foundation Marketing: Sponsor Your Community

Over these next few weeks I’ll be posting this entire series detailing my strategies on effectively developing strategic partnerships in your community.

I believe that developing strategic partnerships is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways of building your business. It should be one of the foundation elements that receive continual focus with direct goals in every quarter.

Now one of the big problems with strategic partnerships is that local businesses are constantly approached or solicited by others to do things, display things or post things that help other people grow their business. For the business being approached this generally just takes up valuable space and is a waste of time with little to no reciprocal benefit which is why so many businesses won’t talk to you or have a standard practice of saying no.

Here are my five steps to overcoming this. Go with a giving hand and deliver real value that leads to mutually beneficial relationships.

  1. Interview the Expert
  2. Sponsor Your Community
  3. The Charity Lunch & Learn
  4. Cross Promotion
  5. Revenue Share Programs

In this post we’re going to cover the second step, which is to Sponsor Your Community.

Sponsor the CommunityOk in this step you’re going to re-approach the interviewed experts from step 1.

We’re going to further enhance our relationship with them by “sponsoring them.” There’s a couple different ways we can do this, but the premise will be a low-cost (or free can often be better) trial offered to them or a select group of their customers as a reward and recognition for being someone doing something great in the community.

Generate materials to give it the right feel. For example I recommend generating a certificate and even putting it in a frame to recognize that you feel they stand out in the community. Then generate some small vouchers that explain the trial program. An example might be the “21 Day Hairdresser Boot Camp” where if the sponsored business was a salon you would invite each of the stylists to try your boot camp for 21 days as a reward for being awesome.

A program like this may have immediate value for the business owner as it’s a perk or reward for their team that had no cost to them, something that provides them additional value just for working there. In addition even if none of these stylists did anything other than attend your trial you know this audience converses with people all day long and by virtue should provide you with referrals (more on this in a future post.) Truly if you over deliver in that 21 days it should be easy to convert a few of the staff to ongoing customers.

Your offer could also be extended to provide so many vouchers to be given to top or favourite customers, further enhancing the value in the form of a thank you or an appreciation. With no cost to the business this is a high value way for them to want to send you customers.

At this stage you really have pushed the envelope of creatively creating a mutual win-win. Businesses are skeptical and reluctant so be persistent. This is why this is step 2 as first completing the interviews will ensure a stronger positive response as each steps comes closer to direct cross promotion.

Next time we’ll discuss The Charity Lunch & Learn.


Is The Fitness Industry Ready For The Boomer Explosion?

Is The Fitness Industry Ready For The Boomer Explosion?

Do you presently train many boomer or senior clients? Do you know how to effectively attract what is likely to become the largest unserviced training client market on the planet? I know this is an area of my business that could stand significant growth and learn about this I’ve turned to my friend and colleague Dr. Dan Ritchie.

Here’s what he has to say…

dan-ritchieIn 2013 Baby Boomers will be turning 68 years old.  The largest segment in our economy, with the largest percentage of wealth will be turning to the fitness industry for help with their aging bodies.  The number of quote “special populations” that will be seeking out fitness professionals is about to reach a tipping point.  Here is just a sampling of some of the conditions a boomer client might present with:  Joint replacements (often 2), osteopenia, sarcopenia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, arthritis, Parkinson’s, peripheral neuropathy, cancer.   Many will present with multiple challenges, this all on top of a deconditioned body with limited fitness ability.   However the situation is not bleak or discouraging if one is readily prepared for the challenge.   This is not your average client seeking a flat tummy, or sexy love handles.

I like to show boomer or senior clients that they are on a progression or a trajectory through the aging process.   Now there are some things you cannot modify or change on that aging course.   For example you cannot change your gender, your age, genetic factors, vision problems, but as fitness professionals we can impact lifestyle and facilitate a training program that will maintain high levels of function for your clients into their 90s.

This model I use in every consultation with a client over the age of 55.   This really shows that as individuals there is a tremendous range of function that our future may hold, and exercise may be the difference between golfing in our 80s-90s or a nursing home.



This chart depicts the trajectory that you are on as you age.   You notice there are two trajectories pictured one that drops below the disability threshold and one that stays above it, which one would you choose?   I fully believe that most older adults should follow the higher trajectory, and in many cases lifestyle is the significant separating factor… in a simple sense that choice is up to each individual.   I actually believe this should make for a lifetime client.   If you sign someone up to train at the age of 65 you might have them as a client for 5-20 years!  This is not the 34 year old looking to drop weight and then drop you as a trainer.

I believe the “new senior” client will want nothing to do with the senior fitness programs we have seen in the past.   Boomers are not taking aging lying down, to give you an example two recent clients were training for outcomes such as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro (current client age 55) or riding bikes for several hundred miles in France countryside (current client age 70).

I believe the Fitness market for Boomers and Seniors is poised to explode for those fitness professionals that are prepared.  This isn’t going to be a small niche market, but it will be where the most successful and stable fitness businesses will thrive for years to come.  Keep in mind the young baby boomers are still late 40s early 50s and will want to stay young and active for 40 more years (or your entire career).


Dan M Ritchie, PhD, CSCS, HFS-ACSM

Dan Ritchie, has a broad background in the fitness industry including training and management in commercial and university/hospital-based fitness, for-profit, not-for-profit and educational facilities. His primary areas of expertise are in personal training for special populations (pregnant women, those with chronic disease and/or disorders such as Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Fibromyalgia and Alzheimers, etc.). He has participated in state funded research on exercise for Alzheimer type severe dementia and regularly presents at national and regional conferences. He is a past Board member of the Midwest American College of Sports Medicine and was nominated for the ACSM National College Board of Trustees in 2008. He has been the Enhance Fitness Master Trainer for the State of Indiana since 2007. While at Purdue, he received a Lynn Fellowship and a National Strength and Conditioning Association research grant, and in 2009 his Ph.D. in Health and Kinesiology, with a minor in Gerontology.

His experience also includes:

  • FallProof Instructor Certified, from California State, Fullerton, 2006-present
  • 2005 Thesis of the Year Award from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • 2004 Graduate Student of the Year, American College of Sports Medicine, Midwest Chapter
  • 2005-2007 Student Affairs Committee, ACSM
  • 2005-2007 Board Member Midwest American College of Sports Medicine,
  • 2008 Nominated for ACSM Board of Trustees
  • Enhance Fitness Master Trainer for State of Indiana 2007-current

Presented at Amercian College of Sports Medicine, National Strength and Conditioning annual meetings, Athletic Business Conference, National Council on Aging annual meeting, World Congress on Physical Activity and Aging

Building your mailing list

As a personal trainer, you need to be constantly working on building your mailing list. Your mailing list is of primary importance to your fitness marketing methods, so you need a way to measure if your current strategy is working or not. There are many ways that you can build your mailing list, which are explained below.

Offer an incentive to sign up

If you have a sign up page or pop-up advert on your website, the easiest way to increase your sign up rate is to offer an incentive for people to sign up. Some of the things you can do are to offer a free report, free audio, video or something else of value. It needs to be something that people will receive instantly once they input their name and email address.

Add a money value to your newsletter

A very method of increasing your mailing list is just to add a money value to the newsletter that you send out. Of course, if you do this as part of your fitness marketing strategy, you need to offer information of real value. It is fine to make offers in your emails, but you also need to offer high quality content on a consistent basis.

Use PPC marketing

In order to build your mailing list, you need to bring in more traffic to your website. The easiest way to do this is with pay per click marketing. You can set-up an account in minutes and start driving traffic in under thirty minutes. As long as you have the funds, you can drive as much traffic as you want. This is a great way to test the offer you are making on your website.

Contact other marketers

If you want to build up the size of your mailing list then you can contact other fitness marketers in your community. Offer to give them some content in exchange for them sending the material to their subscriber list. This is a great way to get high quality subscribers on your list without spending any money. Remember that you need to target local businesses if possible, so that you can contact the new subscribers and try to sell your personal training sessions.

Use articles

Another very simple method to increase your mailing list without spending any money is to create and post articles on the Internet. Inside the articles you can post a link that goes directly to your sign up page. This will direct people to get more information from you, if they liked your article.

Take out an advert in the newspaper

In order to build a list of local subscribers you should take out an advert in the local newspaper. If you can get a job as a weekly writer or columnist then this would be even better. The idea is just to offer good information and then tell people where they can learn more from you. Using this fitness marketing tactic is an excellent way to increase the sign up rate of your mailing list.