Selling Personal Training

How Far Do I Chase a Personal Training Prospect?

One of my coaching clients wrote me an email to ask about how far to chase a procrastinating client. You know thehigh-speed-chase ones I’m talking about…

…I need to talk to my husband about.

…I’m not sure, let me think about it.

…I haven’t decided yet.

…my husband doesn’t want me to do it(thinks it’s too expensive.)

…etc, etc.

We could go on for hours creating a long, long list of all the dodgy excuses people have or will give you. Now don’t be discouraged by this because I can almost guarantee you have used a similarly dodgy excuse in some situation where you just procrastinating about some form of commitment. Whether that be for a service of some kind, the purchase of a high priced item, etc. The first step in dealing with these objections is recognizing where they come from. It’s simple, it’s one word…fear. That’s right people are dodgy and non-committing for this one reason, they are afraid. They are afraid you will let them down, that they will let themselves down, that they will get ripped off, that they won’t experience results, etc. I mean think about it for a second, but not about your customers, about yourself.

The last TV I bought I remember being in Bestbuy and being astounded by the kid’s knowledge about TV’s. It wasn’t even in question whether I was going to buy one, I already knew I was, and yet in spite of all his knowledge and reassurance I still walked away empty handed that night, I was afraid. I had to do my own research, I had to validate what he was saying so I didn’t experience buyer’s remorse, I had to overcome the fear of the cost (which was no more than what I had expected to pay.)

My point is that your clients that seem to sit on the fence and/or fade away without buying are only doing so because they are afraid. It’s time for you to carefully and politely call their BS. Reflect each dodgy excuse and bring them face to face with their real emotions, allow them to face and overcome their fears with your careful assistance.

Example: Let me think about it some more.

“Mrs. Jones you said you wanted to lose 10lbs, have more energy and feel better right? (yes) So what is it that you need to think about? (I just need to think about it.) Mrs. Jones forgive me for pushing but when you say you need to think about it, is there something you are afraid of? I know many people worry that it won’t work, or that other programs have failed them, or that it’s too expensive, does any of that fit for you? (yes)”

Now this is where risk reversal comes in.

“Mrs. Jones if  could guarantee 100% that you will lose weight and feel better in just a few weeks would there be anything more to think about? (no) Then if I give you a 30 day money back guarantee is there any reason we can’t get you losing weight and feeling better right away?”

You must help them come to terms with what they are afraid of, some people may be difficult but it’s just about reflecting it back on them so they can easily find their own answers to overcome their fears. Try it with your next consultations.

January Marketing

xmas-fitnessWell it’s almost that time, that time of year where everyone begins with a clean slate. Unusually motivated, ready to dive in and commit, and unfortunately fiscally compromised from Christmas festivities and holiday spending.

In the twelve years I’ve been a personal trainer here in Red Deer, January has always been a little anti-climatic. You kind of think and hope that you are going to be swamped, and I mean there is a steady stream of traffic to the health club’s door and endless chatter about your co-worker’s “resolutionary” weight loss program.

The cold reality is though that as a one-on-one personal trainer your appeal is not at its strongest come January 1st. I mean after all why do people need you? Support, accountability, they don’t need that, I mean this is the year, you and everyone else is so fired up you can single-handedly take on the world, right? With all this motivation and willpower why would anyone need an expensive personal trainer? Being so motivated and determined a space to workout in for $20-30/month is sufficient. Forget paying a professional hundreds of dollars per month for all that common sense knowledge.

Fast forward 3-4 weeks…

Determination has fizzled; motivation has turned to frustration or worse…desperation. It’s like Jekyll and Hyde, just a few weeks ago there is nothing our resolutionist wasn’t ready for or couldn’t do when it comes to their weight loss goals, now that same person often winds up feeling so low they just want to push that belly under a shirt and tuck it in all the way until the next year.

This is when our BIG rush comes, end of January, February. The time to pick up the pieces, the time for everyone to put it in perspective and succeed…the realization that they just can’t do it alone after all. Unfortunately you still have a very big problem, or perhaps often just one very big objection.

“I’d love to start your program but I’m stuck in this gym membership, if only I had known.”

January personal trainer marketing has to be very calculated. It’s a time where you must consider the emotional state of your prospect. (Highly motivated, confident, self-assured and generally on a tighter budget.) Once you understand this you can acknowledge that your offer has to appeal to this unusual situation. You need to meet their financial objectives of the “best bang for their buck.” If you don’t than you wind up losing them later because the gyms sink their claws in ensuring they think twice about committing financial resources somewhere else. (Which is what they should be doing, afterall come January 1 they are at their strongest appeal.)

If you don’t have a group program this is a good time to start one, leverage your time so you can financially compete with the major fitness centres. If you’ve been nervous about trying aggressive low/no cost trials now is a good time to execute these strategies to get your prospects onboard before they let their misguided emotion commit their financial fitness resources elsewhere.

Essentially what I am trying to say is that if you are newer to this industry you may be thinking that January is going to be easy. Truth is; it is the busiest time of year for fitness but if you don’t understand the psychology of who’s buying YOU won’t be as busy as you could be.

Merry Christmas, and May 2011 be the year where you realize all your dreams will come true.

Selling Personal Training

This week another special guest, Samantha Taylor who is an absolute expert  on selling personal training and especially this aspect of it. She is exceptional at helping people get in touch with their emotions that are keeping them from successfully reaching their fitness and weight loss goals. People don’t want to spend thousands of dollars getting in shape, even though they truly need to. Listen to Samantha explain how to talk to potential clients to help them realize the real value of your services.

Watch this video to hear what Samantha has to say and then I add to it after (haha, you have to see what happens at about the 4 minute mark.) this is the simple secret to selling tonnes of personal training.
