The video below is an excerpt from last year when I spoke in Anaheim at the Fitness Business Summit (The 2010 summit starts tomorrow). This is the first year I have missed the summit and it sort of has me a little disjointed this week. You see this conference is what started it all for me. It was the first time I was ever in a room with trainers from all over the world that were gathered to learn one thing, how to grow their fitness business. It was the first conference I had ever seen that really delivered real how-tos on how to go from zero to hero. It was also where I met and hired my first paid business mentor, very reluctantly.
After returning home from that very first conference in 2007 and soon being told with authority to, “Ready, Shoot, Aim” I worked tirelessly to complete the business plan for One-to-1 Fitness. Soon after I met with RBC, only to have my business plan rejected. Because of the inspiration, confidence and a notebook full of ammunition of information this rejection didn’t even faze me. By accessing what little equity we had in our home we pushed ahead and One-to-1 Fitness was born, and well you know how well that’s worked out.
Now what’s amazing is ever year at the time the summit has come around, without realizing, I have always rewarded myself big time (trips, cars and houses) as a result of the success of the previous year, in fact I didn’t even realize it until my mentor pointed it out to me the other day. Anyways, here’s what’s important about all of that:
1) Always set clear goals for yourself.
2) Surround yourself with people that contribute and rid yourself of the people that hold you back.
3) Always have a plan.
4) Ready, Shoot, Aim.
5) Never, ever, give up.
I am so excited to launch the Personal Trainer Business Ignition Workshop on May 15 because I know for someone (and hopefully more like everyone) this is going to have the same impact on them that it had for me in Anaheim.
Anyhow, wow this was supposed to be a short post about the video below and totally turned into a heartfelt gimpse of how sad I am about to not be seeing friends and colleagues in Anaheim this weekend. Anyways, the exciting news is not only is the Business Ignition Workshop CEC approved by CanFitPro; yesterday I applied to be a presenter at the fall conference in Calgary. I believe that this information needs to go main stream, it’s totally changed my life and I want to see it change others. Part of the application process is I had to submit a video of me lecturing, below is an excerpt from Anaheim where I affirm what I feel is one of the single most important points of owning a fitness business as opposed to it owning you. If you’ve been paying attention to my previous posts you already know exactly what it’s about. Enjoy!
Jason Mathews April 29, 2010 at 3:19 pm | Permalink |
Would love to see the rest of this video. Great tip.