Look, I know building a successful business is hard, especially as a solo personal trainer. You have to wear a lot of hats, you have to work a lot of hours and it’s really easy to begin doubting yourself at every turn. But ask yourself this…if you could double or triple your current monthly income in the next 12 weeks can you suck it up and do it?
Last week on a coaching call one of my coaching clients told me that in the month of March he earned more income than he had at any job in his entire life. This call marked week 11 for him in my coaching program, in March he earned over $6000. That may or may not impress you but now know that 11 weeks ago he was earning only about $1000/mth, and the biggest difference of all, not only did he earn 6 times as much but thanks to business systems his monthly income is now almost guaranteed to be consistent and/or increasing.
Here are the things you need to do to achieve this also:
1) Have a burning desire. Yup, you’ve heard it all before in every success book out there but it’s true. If you don’t have a burning desire, if you’re not a 10 of 10 for serious about your objective it isn’t going to happen.
2) Take massive action. Yup, that’s the big one right there, first comes the desire, but desire without action is still useless. I know it’s easy to feel insecure, I know it’s easy to be filled with self-doubt and those things together make it really easy to procrastinate. Even when you’re not sure of what you should be doing you need to just be doing anyways. Whether it’s writing content for your website, setting up a facebook fanpage, sending emails, creating offers, organizing your budget, trying to figure out how to track retention or how to build your list any action at all will be valuable.
3) Develop your self-image. If you’re not worth hundreds of millions of dollars today (and likely even if you are) you need to work on your self-image. Your self-image is the only thing separating you from the Bill Phillips’, the Bill Gates’ and the Mark Zuckerbergs’ of the world. If you want to be financially free you have to understand that you are worth it, that what you are doing, selling, building is worth it. If you will never be worth anything more than the value you place upon yourself. Go to www.audible.com and buy Maxwell Mallz, Psycho Cybernetics audio, it will be one of the best 30 bucks you’ve ever spent.
4) Surround yourself with people you wish to emulate. I can’t even begin to tell you the power of surrounding yourself with people more successful than you are. If you can’t find these people hire them. Every year I spend more than my two years of college education cost to be coached and hang out with people more successful than I am, and it’s easily worth double, triple or quadruple that cost. You spend enough time around them and it not only reinforces your self-image, you not only learn shortcuts to building your business, but you simple begin to develop the characteristics of that level of success and will quickly find yourself there.
5) Create a system. Last but most definitely not least, the solid, tangible brick and mortar to the four points above. Each course of action within your professional life needs to follow a system. Start by setting yourself a weekly schedule, set aside certain hours each week for documenting systems, for marketing and most importantly for continual sefl-education. Remain consistent. Additionally create checklist and systems for all areas of your business, begin to correlate them with simple math to quickly analyze the outcomes. Even if the checklists are vague and inaccurate at first by repeating the same steps over and over again you will refine them saving yourself time and preparing you to be able to delegate many responsibilities to other people, the key to building the business and freedom you deserve.
There you have it; those are the 5 critcal steps to getting anything you want. Don’t over think it or over complicate it, just do it!
Pam Armstrong April 5, 2011 at 10:07 am | Permalink |
So POWERFUL and absolutley true Cabel!! Just finished reading Psycho Cybernetics…Amazing truths and a must for everyone! Thanks for your valuable information and Tips.
Justin April 5, 2011 at 12:22 pm | Permalink |
Thanks for all the great words of wisdom. I am a simple guy and your 5 points above work well for me.
Quick question for you. Who would you recommend for designing a website?
Keep blowing it up!
Patch April 7, 2011 at 8:13 am | Permalink |
Thanks for the steps – all very critical to success. I’d like to elaborate on the third one and offer a 6th, if I may.
Critical to self-image is also developing your brand as an authority figure for whatever niche you are planning to operate in. You are much better off being perceived as an expert in a particular method or technique than being a run of the mill generalist (that are a dime a dozen). Once you position yourself as an authority in a given field, like Occam’s protocol or CrossFit, for example, you differentiate yourself and can charge a premium for your sevices because you will be sought out for that expertise. As a result, you are no longer competing on price. This is a huge boost to self-image!
The sixth step I recommend is to think of yourself as a business. Too mant trainers remain in an employee mindset where they are compensated in direct proportion to the time they spend with their clients. This is akin to receiving a salary. By shifting to a business mindset you immediately open your mind to leverage strategies because you are not limiting your revenue stream to how much tie you personally put in.
Thanks for the post!
Elliott Bertsch April 18, 2011 at 10:45 am | Permalink |
Your insight into building a successful personal training business is really inspiring to me. Thanks for all the great tips Cabel.