How-to Get People to Do What You Want, Make More Money, and Get Laid More!

Some time ago I came up with this acronym for EAS, which always stuck with me because growing up I was such a big Bill Phillips/Body For Life fan.

A few years ago I was hugely honoured with a special invitation to speak at the local TEDx event, this was a big deal for me I really wanted to do something impactful, in fact it’s the first speech I kind of wrote and the only one I’ve practiced to memory since college.

If you haven’t watched this video I really do suggest you spend the 18 minutes:

You see EAS began as sales training and because of TEDx became the simple equation to harness the power of inspiration no matter who you are or what situation you’re in.

Why should that be important to you?

Because this is what I think is amazing about the world today.

Bad news.

Like it or not, you are always selling and selling to everyone.

If you weren’t always selling…

You wouldn’t have any friends…

No one (your kids) wouldn’t listen to you…

You wouldn’t have a job/career/business/etc…

You’d have never gotten laid (yep I just said that)…

You’ll never get “upgraded” on an airline or in Vegas…

Your clients wouldn’t be getting results…

I think you get the point.

Good news.

Selling used to be that the salesperson knew more than the prospect about a product or service and they would leverage that information to convince (or coerce) a prospect into making a decision.

Hence we all have this gut response to dislike salesman or associate sales as being a bad thing or something to be avoided.

But that’s not how it is now.

The internet, the Facebooks, the YouTubes and all those kinds of things have placed all the information that we can handle (and more) at our finger tips.

As consumers we are equally or often more educated about a product or service than the salesperson whose job it is to sell it to us.

And this is great news (and where EAS comes in.)

Selling can now be honest, transparent, sincere (or at least that’s my belief and what I teach when it comes to selling.)

Your job as the salesperson now is to help people to take action on what they really want, to help them realize why continuing to procrastinate is hurting them, or they are the only ones losing out.

Your job is to be supportive, kind, caring and sincere and by doing so we give people the confidence to be decisive, to take action and make a change in their life.

Now that’s what I call sales! I love that I can be supportive, kind, and enthusiastic and give someone else a lift, almost no convincing necessary!

But…remember this is still sales (not to be confused with a conversation) all this goodness only happens when people make a consensual decision (like the conjugal situation I mentioned above) so you better hone your skills when it comes to participating in that decision process.

And that’s where EAS comes in.


No one makes a decision without being emotionally invested.

What would it feel like to wear that bikini with total confidence?

The conversation always begins with emotional questions, things that lead to a description.


You’re the assistant, you need permission to proceed.

Does this make sense?

Do you understand?

Can I show you the different options?

Can I be sure you will follow your meal plan to the letter this week?

Yes or no questions. (If you get a no you have to back up, they are not emotional enough to be ready to make a decision, or at least not the one you want.)


Only when you have their total consent, affirmation and permission does the solution, your product, service or offer even matter.

If you haven’t navigated the first two steps before getting here it’s going to be a negative outcome nearly every single time!

But don’t take my word for it, think back to previous situations, watch my video, put it to the test at work, at home, with friends and with your kids.

Anyways I hope that helps.

Here’s a great 4-minute video as a follow up that talks about how this same process works with a group of people

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