Happy Easter Everyone! Easter is like my second favourite holiday of the year, next to Thanksgiving. You see I love these two holidays because they are the least about gifts and the most about families and friends coming together, time off work, great food, and most importantly –fun.
Fun, adventures and time off are a critical part of your continued success as a fitness professional or in any profession for that matter. Now people close to me reading this would probably make them chuckle, as I am known to be a highly focused, serious, work a lot kind of guy. But truth is in the last three years when I’ve began to experience the most success I’ve also: travelled more, taken more time off, and planned more big adventures. Yes in part because with a growing business more options become available but the bigger part has been just understanding how important time off and away is. It doesn’t have to cost a lot, or anything for that matter to qualify for a big adventure, I am more convinced than ever there are amazing things to see and do in your own city or within 1-2 hours drive.
Easter is one of those times, no matter what your situation is I suggest you take some time this weekend to spend doing anything other than work. Make sure you connect with family and friends and ask and listen to them talk about their lives; put yours on the shelf just for a little while. You will be amazed at how great you feel and how focused you are next week.
Now the next thing I want you to do after you have taken that break from your work, and your “typical” life, is to pull out a piece of paper and write yourself an affirmation. It doesn’t have to be long, but it should encompass whatever you main fears are. We all have them and it’s critical to face them. For example, my personality type is very much that of a highly analytical perfectionist. It’s a constant battle to remind myself that it’s ok if it’s not perfect. At times it has gotten the best of me and pushed my stress levels to the boiling point. In fact at one point it almost cost me my marriage and my business. So my affirmation goes something like:
“Today is going to be an awesome day, I am unable to make a wrong decision and whatever I do it will be the right thing, the right answer, and will be more than good enough.”
Now maybe this sounds corny to you, but to me the message that is sent to my subconscious is profound (as it will be to yours if you are true to yourself and write an affirmation about your fears.) The positive energy this has created within me has increased my productivity and ability to move forward in my business and my life exponentially. Start each day next week with your affirmation, promise me you will do this for 10 days and then come back and tell me if you have noticed a difference(here’s your chance to remind me I’m not perfect.) There is only one catch, it has to be one of the very first things you do when you open your eyes and you may need to say it, think it, a few times until you actually believe it.
Just trust me and do it! Happy Easter!
One of my favourite affirmation quotes:
“If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is, too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.” –Timothy Ferriss, from the 4 Hour Work Week
Books to read:
Feel the Fear and DO IT Anyways! – Susan Jeffers
Awakening the Entrepreneur Within – Michael Gerber
Obvious Adams the Story of a Successful Business Man – Robert Updegraff