
How-to Develop and Use a Customer Avatar to Get More Personal Training Clients

How-to Develop and Use a Customer Avatar to Get More Personal Training Clients

%image_alt%If you want more personal training clients and don’t have a defined customer Avatar this article is absolutely step one for the future success of your personal training business.

When I first started as a personal trainer I would hear from successful business owners all the time that I needed to know my niche but for some reason I really struggled to understand what it really meant. Maybe because I was analytical, methodical and task oriented I insisted on overthinking what it meant to know my niche or my customer avatar, I struggled for a long time as a generalist. Because I didn’t know specifically how to communicate to my Avatar getting more personal training clients was slow, difficult and unpredictable. I seemed to think I needed to understand demographics or that I was looking for people with a certain income and things like that. I didn’t understand why it was important to know where these people hung out, what activities they enjoyed, what items they might purchase, what their hobbies, fears, goals, and favourite thing to do on Sunday was.

Over time I really began to understand that using demographics and local statistics was only a means of validation for confirming my Avatar. You see it’s a very important two-step process and for the longest time I was hung up on step two and had never really completed step one.

You need to be able to close your eyes and see your Avatar in front of you, give them a name. The stronger the image the more you can identify with them. Imagine talking to your spouse and a local politician though at times we might debate that both conversations may carry a political tone I can almost certainly guarantee the language used in each conversation will never be similar.

Once you have described and written the story of your Avatar every word, image, offer and idea pertaining to your services should be presented in an effort to speak to them. You might think this sounds ridiculous, I know I did, but it will completely set you apart from your competition. The effectiveness of your marketing will significantly increase and you’ll still continue to attract those outside your Avatar, often with a greater credibility because you are now looked upon as a sought after expert. If this still sounds weird you’ll just have to trust me, but I can guarantee at some point you will realize this is one of the biggest steps to creating a successful personal training business.

Below is one of my favourite examples of a customer Avatar by one of my former coaching clients.

Adam business owner  (39) +, +

%image_alt%Name: Adam  Age: 39
Single, No Kids, Wants to have a family FAST
Main Problem Area: Belly, Abs, Low Energy Tired
Income: 150 to 250K/year
Training Experience: Beginner, Never consistently
Biggest Fear: He is never going to find  a quality women  that finds him attractive.
Frustrations: Loneliness, Constantly gets distracted from his diet and training, skips meals.
Biggest Motivator:  Become more physically attractive to women, have more Energy so he can make half a million $, No more belly so he can be more confident around women. 6 pack Abs, toned biceps, Ripped Chest
Personality: Social, Talkative, Questions every thing, Leader


Adam is 39 years old, he is single and he has a successful real estate business. He has been working for himself since he was 18 years old.

He lives in _______________________ and usually spends most of his days in front of his computer at his home office or at various coffee shops and clients places.

Adam is single and has been in 3 longer relationships, he wants to have a family as soon as possible. He feels tired and his energy is low especially after lunch and he is not happy with the way he looks in front of the mirror. He wants to look good and wants to get rid of his hanging belly fat.

He is always in rush, He is financially well off and makes an average of 150K per year income and he only has to support himself but he is very motivated to get to a half a million dollar income like some of his friends.

Adam has tried weight training before but always gets too busy to be able to stick to his program, he knows he wants to have a nice body but other things constantly take up his time and other important things always come up. Though he doesn’t remember much about how to weight train, he is confused about what to eat and how to train, how long cardio should be and doesn’t have time to research this topic. He’d like to just hire someone who he can trust to do this for him.

Adam goes out on weekends with his friends to lounges and friends places, he likes hockey.

Adams biggest fear is that he is going to be single for the rest of his life and that he is not going to meet high quality women who will like him for him. Adam Is lonely, he knows he can get rid of his belly he is just looking for an expert to guide him one he can rely on and commit to.

He loves the idea of having more energy so he can do more work, make more money and, to increase his confidence with women.

Adam wants to make sure that his trainer is on time, professional, produces results. He does not want to waste his time or money and most importantly he wants to LOOK GOOD FAST, he wants his results tracked he wants to be shown that this plan is working and that he is becoming fitter, looking better and more girls are starting to notice it.

Fear, Success, Math, Your Baby Steps

Fear, Success, Math, Your Baby Steps

%image_alt%As fitness professionals we’re so methodical, analytical and task oriented that sometimes we really do miss the forest for the tress. Combine that with a healthy does of entrepreneurial fear and it’s not hard to see why so many fitness professionals struggle to build a career that affords them the lifestyle they deserve. I know this was totally true for me for my first few years in the industry, wherever you are now stick with it, don’t give up, and keep an open mind.

At a recent mastermind meeting with some of my mentorship clients I was listening carefully as each detailed their situation. With this particular group most people were in the early stages of their career with young businesses. In many ways this is the most difficult stage, it’s seemingly difficult to get a big rock rolling, but when you do…

On Sunday I began thinking to myself of days gone by, when I was really struggling. At times I felt like I was never going to make it, in fact I was so broke on multiple occasions I tried to leave the industry three different times. I’d get down and out thinking it was impossible to earn a decent living doing what I loved to do, then I’d find the determination in a new plan only to fail again.

I’ve come to realize, and see it being repeated in many fitness professional (and truly entrepreneurs in general) that we seemed to overlook the simple details or don’t break it down to simple enough steps that just like many of our clients we become frustrated and ultimately fail.

Anyways, back to Sunday at the mastermind, as these thoughts and revelations dominated my mind and moved on to where I am now and the whirlwind of growth that has occurred in the last five years something dawned on me, something I wish I had thought of many years ago. Immediately I asked everyone to give me their attention to try a little exercise. (In many ways the thanks for the inspiration for this goes out to Craig Balantyne and his mathematical formula for success, which ironically I’m currently flying to go see as part of a mastermind I participate in.)

If you have any clients at all first I want you to calculate or consider what is the average amount of money each client spends with you each month and the amount of hours you contribute to provide that service. If you don’t have any clients currently the following information will likely serve as an example. I’m finding world wide whatever your currency is the average cost for personal training seems to be universally set around the $1/minute or $60/hr. Let’s consider that our most popular program at One-to-1 is 3 X week for 30 minutes or about 12 sessions a month or 6 hours of service, on average worldwide this will cost approximately $360.

Now I ask you, what is the first big landmark for you for total revenue? For most people I find it’s $100,000 to start but you can choose any number you choose.

Let me ask you a simple question, would you be willing to work 1 year of your life if I could guarantee you would generate $100,000 or more in revenue as a personal trainer for ever year after? If the answer is yes read on, if the answer is no than ask yourself how many months am I willing to commit to reach this goal?

If you, like most, would be willing to contribute the next 12 months to reaching your first landmark of $100,000 in personal training revenue than I’m excited to show you just how easy that can be.

%image_alt%$100,000 / 12 = $8,333/mth / $360 (client’s average spend price) = 23 clients paying you $360/mth will produce $100,000 in total revenue over 12 months. (The great news is once you exceed 23 you’re well on your way to much larger amounts of revenue.

Now since we have 12 months to reach our goal look how easy this becomes, this means that you only need to find 2 new clients each month to pay you $360/mth to be easily on track to reach your goal.

I can tell you from experience that almost any good trainer will convert half or more of all clients that come to them interested in their services, so this means you only need to meet 1 person a week that has an interest in reaching a fitness goal.

Do you think in 40 hours you could meet enough people to find 1 person that would be interested in hearing about your services? By now most of you should be thinking this sounds pretty easy.

I’d like to go further and ensure it really is easy.

Would you be willing to use Google to look up a meet-up group or other networking group in your area, attend a meeting this week and introduce yourself at the meeting as a trainer looking to provide a free assessment and training session to anyone interested?

Would you be willing to offer the same free assessment and training sessions as a free bonus to any network marketer to give to any of their new customers?

Will you take the time to write a short classified for Kijiji or Criagslist detailing your services and offer to give anyone interest a trial package of sessions or a money back guarantee if they try your services?

Will you take the time to contact friends on Facebook and ask them for referrals with similar trial offers?

Will you take the time to approach local businesses to offer to spend an hour with their staff and teach them valuable techniques for improving posture or improving nutritional habits?

Do you think you could meet just one person a week that would like to talk about reaching their fitness goals? Remember you only need half of them to take an interest in your services.

By now you should be thinking that meeting one person a week is so easy that you’re excited to consider what would happen if you met 3-4 instead. Anyone can do it, there are dozens of other great strategies equally as easy that can allow to generate even more prospects. Three of my top ones are explained in detail and available in my 3D Client Attraction product.

What are you waiting for? If you want to be a profitable personal trainer you will be!

Plan Backwards

Plan Backwards

%image_alt%Being an entrepreneur is tough. On any given day you’ll be bombarded with numerous things. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, feel unappreciated, overworked, and generally burnt out. When this happens it’s common to go through periods of frustration and even resentment toward the business you are usually passionate about. What’s worse is all these negative thoughts often cloud your mind so much that you forget the simple logic that continually propels you forward, each obstacle feels insurmountable and no matter how much effort you contribute you can’t seem to formulate a plan that makes sense.

These last couple years depending on where you are in the world have been especially difficult for many fitness professionals. Unpredictable economic conditions have produced cash flow and revenue problems for many. I’ve received a lot of questions lately about how I continue to reach and exceed my revenue targets; my answer is always the same plan backwards.

I’m going to walk you through this process the same way I’m looking at future facilities.

In my mind the goal for a new facility will be to reach $500,000 total revenue in 18 months or less. This means simply I need to reach $28,000 reoccurring revenue/month.  If it takes me 3 months of aggressive promotion to get near to this that number rises to $33,000/month to reach my 18 month goal.

The average cost of personal training in my area is around $1/minute or $60/hr. we’ll use these numbers for this illustration. Most of my clients train an average of 3 30 minute sessions/week, or an average cost of $360/month in this example.

$28000 / $360 = 92 clients. I have 90 days to find 92 clients or simply 31 clients per month, or 1 day.

What is your average closing ratio of new prospects? Meaning how many people that inquire become paying clients? My program manager regularly maintains 75% to 85% even with aggressive trial offers and promotions for continual lead generation.

For this example let’s use 60%, very attainable for a new trainer.

So to reach my 31 client target I will need to meet with 52 prospects each month, or 13/week.

When you set consultations or sales appointments how many show up? We find consistently in our area it’s at least 80%, usually more. So assuming the same is true in your area that means I need to set 63 appointments this month or 16 appointments per week.

This is your most important task, ask yourself how am I going to set 16 appointments per week? What means of promotion can I use that will allow me to talk to 16 new people about what I do?

When you become razor focused on this one objective (or break it down even further to 2 a day) you’ll be surprised at how much easier this becomes.

Ask your clients for referrals, use email promotion, use facebook ads, online classifieds, direct mail, door hangers, flyers, trade shows, run aggressive trial offers and short term fitness challenges, all you need is to be able to 2 people a day.

%image_alt%If you want to know what I do check out these are the exact strategies that we’ve been using to hit our targets.

In just 90 days I could be easily on track to reach $500,000 in total revenue from scratch in 18 months or less. Having worked backwards is there any reason you couldn’t continue to apply this process and easily exceed that goal?

It’s so easy to be distracted by your emotions with all the unexpected things you must face each day. Take a minute, focus think about what you really want and then plan backwards, once you understand the baby steps it’s much easier than you think. Doesn’t this sound a lot like the same things you probably tell your training clients?