2010 is coming to a close, with Christmas just a couple weeks away it’s safe to say I won’t be thinking about business for too much longer in 2010, and you shouldn’t be either.
If you haven’t already you should reflect on 2010, are you happy with all that you have achieved? How will 2010 impact 2011? What will you accomplish in the year to come?
It’s important to write goals, but you’ve heard that before. If you just take a little time to reflect, ponder and record I can promise you, even if you only remember to read or think about them once in a while, many will most certainly come true in the year to come.
2010 for me has been a very important year. In 2010 I

Our clients signatures on this flag and contributions to www.thewaterschool.org carried me to 19,341 ft.
seen our business mature, it went from rapid growth to controlled systematic growth. With more and more things fully systemized it allowed us to turn our attention to the “holes in the bucket” and strengthen our already solid foundation. We now have our largest and happiest team ever. I’ve went from spending 50+ hours a week at our studio to working from home more than 80% of the time. On two occasions I was gone from the facility for nearly a month with no major decline in operations. (One of which I was busy climbing one of the world’s highest mountains raising nearly $200,000 USD for charity www.thewaterschool.org) I started Profitable Personal Trainer almost a year ago and have in turn learned as much as I’ve shared, grown a list of hundreds of trainers nationwide, and am on my way to another six-figure income stream on a hobby part-time basis.
Just 4 weeks ago we celebrated the completion of our new home, the almost dream home. Having been here for a few weeks and beginning to feel settled we both still experience moments that we can’t believe it’s ours, from just five years ago when I was declined for a $140,000 mortgage and we struggled to buy our very first home.
Most importantly as 2010 concludes I reflect and am inspired by the thought that a full time effort to help others get what they want (whether that’s losing weight and feeling great, growing a business of their own, or an employee knowing that I am committed to see their dreams come true) has pushed Wendy and I further down the path of living the life we’ve dreamt about.
As entrepreneurs what we do often isn’t easy but when times are tough know that it is 100% worth it.
2011 is going to be an amazing year, you must continue to push and build momentum as I am, as you do a snowball of opportunity will ultimately appear.
What will I be up to in 2011?
Expect to hear about me travelling a lot and teaching many. I predict our little studio will begin the transition to becoming a brand in 2011. I expect that One-to-1 will also be nearly 100% self sustaining needing very little direct attention. I’m certain you will see specific instructions on how you can duplicate what I’ve done sometime soon. I predict some of my top employees will find ways to launch ideas of their own that will build our business and theirs. And most importantly if you are reading this, and continue reading my blog, I predict you are going to experience an “ah ha” and realize your true potential and experience a giant leap forward toward your own dreams. It’s impossible for you not to as in 2011 my full time effort will continue to be on helping you and others like you as by doing so I know it will keep leading me closer to my dreams. Thank you all so very much!
What will you do in 2011?